It has been almost 2 months since my last post. I don’t really feel like I have lots to say.
It’s Autumn and the weather has been so nice. I have been finding reasons just to sit outside. I am still working from home and it’s working out better than I thought.
In financial news, I am $263 away from completing my retirement contributions for the year. My goal was to contribute $11,000 to retirement. What’s even more exciting, I am up approximately $17,000 from January. I also met my goal of hitting $65,000 in my retirement accounts for the year. My goal will be to donate $12,000 to retirement next year.
I have also completed my charitable donation goal for the year! I have donated $601 to charity this year. My goal was $500 and I have gone beyond and above! I really felt compelled to give money to the food banks this year. They were hit hard due to job loss from covid.
I have lost about 18 lbs this year! I am so excited. Being home more has made it easier to eat healthier and get in more exercise. Just gotta keep it up, 18lbs to go!